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with less effort

Find and fix code and infrastructure vulnerabilities. Go from unstructured Tooling Chaos to Fixed Vulnerabilities Order without any code.

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We strive to bring Security
in the hands of developers


Our Products

Ocurity Enterprise Security Workflows Platform

Boost your efficiency and empower your team with the Ocurity Platform.

Our cutting-edge workflow platform seamlessly integrates with your existing tools, driving results from multiple sources directly to your preferred visualization solutions. With Ocurity, say goodbye to duplicates and unnecessary searching on how to fix an issue - you can enrich and streamline your data, enabling developers, operators and compliance to identify and resolve potential security vulnerabilities with ease. With Ocurity, you're not just saving time, you're optimizing your end to end security process."

Ocurity, can help you:


Unify all your security tools

Treat all your security tools as an all-in-one solution. Aggregate, enrich and visualise results using your existing integrations.


Customize Your Visualization

Drive aggregated results to your preferred visualization or defect management solutions for better decision-making.


Simplify Security Scanning

Generate customizeable, tailored security scanning pipelines for each of your components or teams with ease.


Empower Your Development Teams

Give your teams the flexibility to choose the analysis tools that best suit their needs, fostering creativity and efficiency while giving you peace of mind that they are using secure defaults.


Our Open Source Projects

Dracon Open Source CI/CD security framework

Join the community, you can find Dracon on Github


Supported Tools


Supported Integrations


Our core value

Our mission is to improve the efficiency of security teams by providing them with automation and orchestration they need. We strive to bring security in the hands of developers by supplying accurate and relevant information for easy vulnerability remediation.

Our customers say about us

With Ocurity we managed to get vendor integration while maintaining flexibility and preventing lock-in. Furthermore Ocurity provided ready to use open source alternatives to security vendors so where we are missing controls we have alternatives to keep the lights on.

Head of security, logistics company.

Ocurity allowed us to offer a security tooling marketplace to all our engineering teams while treating all our security tools as an all-in-one solution with a unified api. Ocurity empowered our development teams to choose their own tools but also significantly reduced the time required for our team to perform audits and gain deep visibility into the security posture of every development team.

CISO, consumer goods marketplace.

Ocurity's AI enrichment engine allowed us to both reduce the time required for triaging every vulnerability and their automated Knowledge Base suggestions made every fix clear to our engineering teams.

Director of Infosec, marketing agency

We use Ocurity to orchestrate multiple SCA tools, gather intelligence on our third party artifacts and make automated decisions or upgrdes on our third party risk. Ocurity has reduced the time we invest in SCA and remediations.

Senior VP AppSec, fintech

We use Ocurity's workflow platform to offer continuous scanning and currated agile security services to a variety of medium sized customers.

CEO, consultancy vendor

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